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Behavioral Tendencies: Apprehension

Definition & Sample Interview Questions

Markellos Diorinos avatar
Written by Markellos Diorinos
Updated over a week ago

Apprehension: Worrisome or Confident?

The apprehension trait measures the extent to which an individual is self-confident and self-assured, or worrisome, insecure and self-doubting. The trait has two opposite poles namely Confident and Apprehensive. Let’s look into both poles to better understand how we assess the Apprehension trait.

Confident: Confident individuals are self-assured and self-satisfied. They rarely have doubts or second thoughts about their own acts or decisions. They usually have a high sense of self-worth and self-acceptance; they believe they are deserving of respect and affection, as well as having their needs satisfied. Due to their self-confidence they tend to be socially successful. This kind of personality is highly valued in a variety of occupations, particularly in those involving positive self-representation, confident decision-making, or stress management. In the workplace, they are focused on what needs to get done.

Common Descriptors: self-assured, unworried, complacent, secure, self-satisfied, insensitive to criticism

Apprehensive: Individuals who tend to worry about things. They tend to be attentive to what can go wrong, which helps them anticipate consequences of actions, hence they can be better prepared. They usually have a high sense of obligation and tend to be self-critical. In the workplace when someone is worrisome, it can help them to anticipate a wrongful action and be able to better judge the consequences of an action. This kind of personality is highly valued in several occupations, particularly in those involving helping and caring for others.

Common Descriptors: self-doubting, attentive, worried, worrying

In accordance with research findings, Bryq assessment provides an evidence-based way to assess the Apprehension trait in order to provide you with insights that can assist in making informed decisions about the suitability of the candidates based on candidates scores on this specific trait.

Apprehension Interview Guide

The interview questions listed below can draw revealing answers and get you on your way to finding whether employees are confident or apprehensive. These interview questions assess the degree of how apprehensive a candidate is.

Note: There is no right or wrong answer, the answer you are seeking is based on what best fits the role and your company culture.

Top 2 questions and expected answers

1. How would you rate your skills on a scale from one to ten (ten being the highest score)?

Apprehensive: Individuals who score closer towards the apprehensive end of the scale are most likely to answer that they rate their skills as average or in the best scenario right above average, as they worry that they may not live up to the expectations of others and they will be negatively criticized. While they tend to have a strong sense of obligation and commitment, they can easily put the blame on themselves for not making the optimal decision.

Confident: Individuals who score closer towards the confident end of the scale are most likely to answer that they are highly skilled and they rate themselves as above average, as they tend to judge themselves in a positive way. Their level of confidence is high which makes them be certain about their decisions, actions and behavior. They accept themselves and they don’t tend to overly worry about the opinions of others.

2. We all find ourselves in stressful situations at work when keeping a positive attitude is most useful. Tell me about such a time and how did it turn out?

Apprehensive: Individuals who score closer towards the apprehensive end of the scale are most likely to answer that they generally find it challenging to keep a positive outlook when confronted with a stressful situation. Due to their worrisome nature and their decreased belief in their ability to make it they may have experienced difficulties handling the situation. On the other hand their strong sense of commitment and obligation would likely have made them persist to try their best.

Confident: Individuals who score closer towards the confident end of the scale are most likely to answer that they are generally able to keep a positive attitude as they believe in their ability to make it even when unexpected roadblocks occur. They are self- assured and they want to showcase their positive characteristics in the workplace environment no matter how challenging a situation can be. Lastly, they are less worried about making mistakes which makes them deal better with unexpected tasks.

Question pool:

3. Can you describe the situation when you had a different opinion than your boss or colleague and your opinion proved correct at the end?

4. Describe a situation where you were worried about the result of a project you were handling with a team member. How did you go about expressing your opinion to him/her?

5. Tell me about a day that everything went wrong at work.

6. Describe a project or idea that was implemented primarily because of your efforts. What was your role? What was the outcome?

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