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Recruitee: Setup, Integration, and Use

Integrating Bryq and Recruitee, setting up jobs and assessments, sending assessments, and viewing results

Markellos Diorinos avatar
Written by Markellos Diorinos
Updated over 7 months ago

Through this integration, you can send Bryq assessments to candidates via Recruitee and receive the results on the candidate's timeline in Recruitee.

This guide includes additional instructions on how to set up the Bryq ATS Extension for Google Chrome, which allows you to bulk-invite candidates to a Bryq assessment, saving you a ton of time (and mouse clicking).

Setting up the integration

To enable the Bryq integration, follow the steps below. In order to do so, your role within Recruitee needs to have access to the Integrations settings.

  1. Go to Settings > Apps and plugins > Integrations and click on the Integrate Now button for Bryq.

2. Read the information and approve by clicking on Accept & Integrate.

2. Next, you will be asked to fill in your Bryq API key. Click on Integrate to finish the integration.

Note: Copy your API key from your Bryq account under Company Settings > Integration. Please contact Bryq at if you can’t find your API key.

3. Recruitee and Bryq are now connected. Under Manage you can select who should be able to view and request assessments.

4. Decide which roles should be able to see if an assessment was already requested. Next to this, select which roles should have the possibility to request assessments.

What data does Recruitee send to Bryq?

Send candidates to Bryq

1. Go to the hired candidate's profile. Click More > in the dropdown menu choose Send Bryq assessment.

2. Check the candidate data, correct it if necessary, select a vacancy, and click Send.

3. A Bryq badge will appear in the candidate’s profile indicating that an assessment has been sent to them.

On the candidate card in the pipeline your a similar badge is displayed.

4. Upon assessment completion, you will be able to find the following information:

a. The Bryq score as shown in the Bryq badge:

b. At the bottom of the candidate's profile, you can find a section with a breakdown of the scores required for the role.

Click Open next to an assessment to get redirected to Bryq to view full results of the candidate.

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