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Role validation

This feature allows you to create the ideal job profile based on your employees and internal needs.

Markellos Diorinos avatar
Written by Markellos Diorinos
Updated over a week ago

Bryq enables the validation & identification of the ideal profile per role based on high performers by identifying the cognitive and personality differences between high and low performers.

The personality traits of the ideal profile differ from the initial profile (based on the JD) as they reflect the drivers of future performance as opposed to the traits required to just “do the job”.

Once the Ideal Profile per role has been identified, it can be used as a baseline during the hiring process empowering targeted hires (Acquisition) or during a new position (Internal Mobility).

Once you enter the My Company > Validated Roles tab click on the Create Validated Role button.

You will be redirected to a vertical wizard and as a first step, you will need to select a segment for the role you want to validate. You can select from existing segments or you can create a new one on the spot.

Once you select a segment a snippet of the segment members appears below to verify the selected sample.

💡 Important Notes:

  1. Make sure your segment contains entries with performance data.

  2. Make sure that the segment contains at least 30 entries to run validation.

  3. Bear in mind that if the selected segment has a small data sample, the system may result in a less accurate validated profile. Consider updating the segment with more data points to improve the optimization results.

By clicking Validate Role Profile, the Select Segment bar folds in and then the system calculates the ideal profile based on the performance levels as defined in the selected segment.

Once the system calculates the optimized profile the suggested cognitive weights & personality traits are shown.

At the bottom of the screen, a graphical representation of the difference between high and low performers projecting the Bryq, Cognitive, and Personality scores is available.

You may perform changes in either one of the categories i.e. Cognitive and Personality and while doing so the bar charts will be adjusted to depict the updated difference. Bear in mind, that the system aims at maximizing the difference in an optimum way. Any change you perform may result in a profile that is not optimal either because the bottom segment is higher than the top or because the difference is not the maximum one. In such a case and if you feel that your changes do not fulfill your goal, you may click on the Reset button to revert to the initial system calculations.

Finally, once you are done you can give a name to the Template and save it by clicking on the Save button. The template is now available in the list of templates.

You can click on the template and view the summary of cognitive weights & personality traits.

Alternatively, you may delete the template. Upon deletion, a confirmation pop-up is displayed asking to confirm the action.

​Please note that this functionality is by default available to Account & HR Administrators.

If you have any questions, please reach out to

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