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Role validation

This feature allows you to create the ideal job profile based on your employees and internal needs.

Markellos Diorinos avatar
Written by Markellos Diorinos
Updated over a week ago

Bryq helps organizations validate and identify optimal role profiles by analyzing the relationship between employee performance data and assessment results. By uncovering the key traits and abilities that are most closely associated with high performance, Bryq highlights the factors that differentiate top performers and contribute to success within a role. This scientifically grounded approach enables companies to make data-driven hiring decisions and optimize team performance effectively, ensuring alignment with role requirements.

This approach allows organizations to select candidates whose attributes align with the proven qualities of successful employees, ensuring more consistent outcomes in the hiring process.

Once the Validated Profile of a specific role has been identified, it can be used as a baseline during the hiring process empowering targeted hires (Acquisition) or during a new position (Internal Mobility).

Once you enter the My Company > Validated Roles tab click on the Create Validated Role button.

You will be redirected to a vertical wizard and as a first step, you will need to select a segment for the role you want to validate. You can select from existing segments or you can create a new one on the spot.

Once you select a segment a snippet of the segment members appears below to verify the selected sample.

💡 Important Notes:

  1. Make sure your segment contains entries with performance data.

  2. Make sure that the segment contains at least 10 entries to run validation.

  3. Bear in mind that if the selected segment has a small data sample, the system may result in a less accurate validated profile. Consider updating the segment with more data points to improve the profile’s predictability.

By clicking Validate Role Profile, the Select Segment bar folds in and then the system calculates the ideal profile based on the performance levels as defined in the selected segment.

Once the system calculates the optimized profile the suggested cognitive weights & personality traits are shown.

You can expand the profile to view its full description.

At the bottom of the screen, you’ll find additional information on Profile Statistics to help you evaluate the profile's effectiveness.

Profile Statistics explained:

Profile Strength:

Refers to the degree of confidence in the profile prediction, used for selecting high performers. It essentially measures how well the profile can identify and select top talent during the hiring process.

Possible values:

  • Inadequate: This profile provides very little confidence in its ability to identify top talent. The evidence supporting its accuracy is not statistically significant, suggesting that any patterns or predictions made by the profile may be coincidental or unreliable. Hiring decisions based on this profile are unlikely to lead to consistent success.

  • Weak: The profile shows some potential to identify high performers, but the level of confidence in its accuracy is low. While a slight connection may exist between the profile’s predictions and actual outcomes, it is not strong enough to be a dependable tool for hiring decisions.

  • Moderate: The profile demonstrates a good level of confidence in identifying top talent. There is a reliable relationship between its predictions and actual performance, but it may not capture all the nuances of high performers.

  • Strong: This profile is highly reliable in identifying top talent. The evidence strongly supports its accuracy, showing a clear and consistent relationship between its predictions and actual performance. It is a dependable tool for making hiring decisions with confidence.


The number of high performers is divided by the total number of employees in the segment who have completed the Bryq assessment.

Predicted High Performers:

The number of high performers who have scored Good and above, divided by the total number of employees who have scored Good and above in the validated role.

Sample size:

The sample size is crucial for ensuring the profile’s accuracy in predicting high performers, as a really small sample can lead to unreliable results and make it harder to identify meaningful patterns. We recommend using a sufficiently large sample to improve reliability, capture a diverse range of data, reduce the impact of random variation, and increase confidence in the profile’s ability to identify high performers.

Finally, once you are done you can give a name to the Validated Role and save it by clicking on the Save button. The template is now available in the list of templates.

You can click on the template and you will be able to view saved validated profile.

Alternatively, you may delete the template. Upon deletion, a confirmation pop-up is displayed asking to confirm the action.

​Please note that this functionality is by default available to Account & HR Administrators.

If you have any questions, please reach out to

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