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Anonymize feature

Description of how to use the anonymize feature in Bryq

Markellos Diorinos avatar
Written by Markellos Diorinos
Updated over 9 months ago

Bryq gives you the option to anonymize candidates' personal information via the "Anonymize" toggle button. The feature is available at the top bar of the application. You can activate or deactivate the Anonymization feature as you wish. Once it is activated, the candidates' personal information (name & email) becomes blurred as per the screen below.

Our ‘Hiring Manager (DE&I)’ role has candidate information anonymized by default without the option to deactivate as shown below.

Lastly, when the Anonymization feature is activated for a Bryq user or for the Hiring Manager (DE&I) role, email notifications for the assessment completion will not include any candidate personal information. In fact, there will be a generic text informing you that a candidate completed the assessment with a link redirecting to the candidate’s page in Bryq to view the results.

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