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Import Employees via CSV

This article explains how to import your employee data

Markellos Diorinos avatar
Written by Markellos Diorinos
Updated over a week ago

If you have Talent Insights unlocked in your account the first thing you would like to do is to add in the platform the Employees you want to examine in terms of optimizing their role(s), plotting them in the 9-box, talent development, and matching.

For this reason, we have created the CSV import functionality to accommodate this need.

💡 Important notes:

  1. To use the CSV functionality and tailor it to your custom segmentation requirements we urge you to inform us in advance regarding any custom field & pre-defined value and create your own schema.

  2. Your email domains should be whitelisted in our system for security reasons.

Nevertheless, our system offers by default the following fields i.e. columns. These columns should be always present in the parsed CSV file. Please note that the labels of the columns should not be changed.

Column Label




Value required?


Email Address

Valid email format



Represents the Corporate Email.

Personal Email

Valid email format



Represents the Personal Email of the Employee who applied for the Job.

Given Name




Employee’s first name.

Family Name




Employee’s last name.

Start Date




Represents the official employment start date.





Represent the role the employee has in the company. The label can be renamed.





Represents the department the employee is part of. The label can be renamed.


Numerical (%) or Fixed value (1-2-3)



Represents the actual performance as per your internal KPIs.

Normalized Performance

0-100 scale



Represents the normalized performance to a 0-100 scale as derived from the performance thresholds you indicate for the 9-box representation.

Once your schema is defined, we will inform you to start importing your employees.


Access the My Company > My Employees and then click Import.

You will be redirected to the Import Employees page, whereby you will be able first to download your own schema and use that Excel template to add your Employees.

📌 Please read carefully the instructions in the template and the interface, especially regarding the performance data and formatting guidelines.

📌 Once you are done make sure you save the active working sheet as a CSV with UTF-8 encoding. Proceed with confirming the notification from Excel and then you are all set.

Go back to Bryq to upload the file. Then, click Import. The system will show you a successful notification.

Your employees are now parsed into the system and are listed in the My Employees tab.

Validation errors will appear in case of formatting issues. Typical validation errors:

  • In case of duplicate entries, only the last entry in the file will be captured the rest will be ignored.

  • The date format is yyyy-mm-dd.

  • The file must be a CSV file and UTF-8 encoded.

  • Pre-defined values are case-sensitive. Make sure you fill them out as originally defined for your schema.

  • Invalid CSV Data.

  • Invalid CSV Headers.

  • Missing domains or not allowed domains.

  • File larger than 5MB.

💡 In case you have already hires from Bryq that are now your employees that have already taken the assessment, you can easily associate their corporate email (Column field: Email) with the personal email they used when applying to your open position. The first time you are going to import these employees into the system and you have linked them with their personal employees then their scores will be directly attached to your employee.

💡 Made a mistake? Or want to update employee data? Then, reuse the CSV or download the template and add the employees you want to update going through the same process, upload the file and there you have it existing entries will be updated, new entries will be added.

📌 If you want to add an extra column please send an email to Once your schema is updated then we will notify you to download your refreshed template.


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