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Read the Candidate Results in Bryq

Understand how to read the candidate results and use them for interviewing - also for hiring managers.

Markellos Diorinos avatar
Written by Markellos Diorinos
Updated over a week ago

The Candidate Results page contains valuable information about the candidate's fit for a specific role in your organization. Let's deep dive into each one of the sections available:

Activity and Tab view

After choosing and entering a candidate's results page, you'll find a comprehensive timeline at the top.

This timeline highlights key activities, including the originating ATS, invitation date, email delivery, read status, assessment link interaction, the completion date, and the validity period of the results (usually six months).

At the top right, the following actions depending on the role permissions are available:

proctoring video, to monitor candidates (see how to set it on/off from here).

(re-)invite the candidate, in cases when the invitation has expired or the data are no longer valid.

Anonymized link, to share the link to other colleagues without conveying personal candidate data and minimize bias.

delete a candidate.

❓ Interested in viewing what the Candidate receives from Bryq? Simply, click on the external link See Candidate's View shown in the header and you will be able to view the report the candidate receives.

Below the timeline view, there is a dropdown available with pre-selected the role the candidate is considered for. In case the candidate has applied to other roles then these will be shown in the drop-down. Upon selection, the results page will be updated with the relevant data.

Finally, various tabs are visible, serving as navigational anchors that seamlessly guide you to the pertinent sections.

πŸ“ŒAs you scroll, a sticky header emerges, ensuring constant visibility of crucial candidate data, fit score, designated role, and navigation tabs. This feature facilitates effortless navigation and keeps your focus on vital information.

Overview tab

Under the Overview tab, you'll find the following information and options:

a. Fit Score: Assesses the candidate's suitability for the role in comparison to the global population. Additionally, a visual representation contrasts the candidate's fit score with the average fit score from the candidate pool.

πŸ’‘ Bryq's Global Population: Our sample size of 10,000 candidates is designed to accurately represent the demographic composition of our population across different regions and departments. We have ensured proportional representation from various regions such as Africa, Asia, Europe, Latin America, North America, and Oceania, reflecting the actual distribution of our population. Similarly, within each department category including Administration, Blue Collar, Call Center, Consulting, Customer Service or Support, Data Science, Finance and Accounting, Human Resources, Information Technology, Legal, Marketing, Operations, Product, Project Management, Retail, and Sales, we have maintained proportional distribution to capture the diversity of roles existing in our data pool. This approach enables meaningful comparisons and conclusions to be drawn regarding demographic factors under analysis.

πŸ’‘ Bryq streamlines your process by eliminating the need to assess whether a Bryq score signifies a good or not match. Focus solely on candidates labeled as "Good fit" and above, saving you time and effort.

Why Fit Score?

When analyzing assessment results, it is generally helpful to know how each individual score compares to other people's scores. Knowing whether a score is high, low, or average in comparison to others necessitates the use of a norm group. Norms enable the comparison of an individual's evaluation score to a relevant comparison group. In Bryq, the responses are compared with those of a group of candidates, who have already taken the assessment i.e. Global Population. Then, the results are returned as Fit scores.

Bryq’s Fit Score is presented below:

πŸ“ŒDo note that you should use the β€˜Fit’ score comparatively, not absolutely. No score is good or bad in itself, thus, it is advised to use them to find the best candidate from a specific pool. To gain more detailed insights into one’s position as compared to a specific role, it is recommended to look at the comparison section in the Bryq platform.

b. Bryq Score: Indicates the candidate's assessment-based relative score for the specific role, featuring their rank and a comparison with the broader candidate pool of the specific role.

c. Candidate status: Upon assessment completion, candidates are automatically labeled as "Prospect" in the system. Use the drop-down menu to adjust the status based on your desired placement within the recruitment funnel:

A. Shortlist

B. Interview

C. Hired

D. Disqualified

πŸ“Œ Upon every user status or activity performed on the page a validation message appears.

d. Personality Summary:

This section contains a verbal summary of the candidate's personality profile. The summary is divided into four pillars: Work Approach, Social Dynamics, Behavioral Tendencies, and Interpersonal Style. Within each pillar, the candidate's leaning toward specific personality factors shapes the corresponding description, culminating in a comprehensive summary. This approach ensures that each section provides distinctive and valuable insights, maximizing the utility of the results for our customers.

Cognitive Attributes

This section shows the candidate's cognitive ability fit score as determined by the four cognitive attributes.

Just beneath the Overall Fit Score, you'll find a detailed breakdown of the four cognitive attributes. The weight of each attribute in the overall cognitive fit score is conveniently presented under the corresponding category icon.

Additionally, a concise explanation of the fit score for each cognitive attribute is provided, offering clarity for easy interpretation.

For deeper insights, you may expand the section by clicking Read More Insights.

In the expanded view, you'll gain access to:

  1. Descriptions of each cognitive attribute.

  2. Additional insights elaborating on the candidate's cognitive ability, detailing the fit score for each attribute.

πŸ“ŒApplying the same rationale, the candidate's fit score is compared against the Global Population.

πŸ“Œ In both the Overall Fit Score curve and the fit score scale for each cognitive attribute, the dotted lines illustrate the average fit score derived from the candidate pool for the specific role.

πŸ“Œ If the role is based on Personality Only, cognitive insights will not be provided.


Bryq's personality assessment (based on the 16 Personality Factors framework- see here) will assess the candidates' personality in 16 discrete dimensions to determine his/her personality fit to the specific job role.

Similar to the cognitive part there is the candidate's overall Personality Fit Score for the considered profile that is compared to the Global Population and the average fit score of the candidate pool for the specific role.

The quick view exclusively showcases the chosen traits for the designated role, ensuring the role's desired pole is consistently positioned on the right side for clarity and avoidance of confusion.

Below each trait, a blue line indicates the candidate's inclination towards the desired pole based on assessment responses. The Fit Score scale beneath translates this inclination into a standardized 1-10 scale, comparing it to the Global Population.

Expanding the view provides descriptions for both poles of each trait, enhancing comprehension of the candidate's strengths and challenges.

πŸ“Œ In case you are interested in finding out more about the candidate's personality you might click on the Personality Traits not related to profile to get an understanding of the candidate's inclination for the remaining traits.

πŸ’‘ If OCEAN (Big 5) is selected when the assessment has been created then an illustration of the OCEAN results will be available right below the personality section.

Likewise, upon expanding, additional details about each factor and the candidate's personality become accessible.


If you have opted to add Indicators (see here) to your assessment, this tab will show you how much of a fit the candidate is on each of the chosen Indicators.

Bryq offers two display modes a simple as seen below and

a complex view as the Culture Indicator in the following screen:

The complex view is expandable offering more insights on the construct as seen below:

Interview Guide

Suggested Interview Questions & Answers

For every candidate, Bryq provides customized Interview Questions based on the candidate's weaker points as well as indicative answers you might expect from the candidate depending on the end of the scale they lean towards. You'll be able to use these questions to provide a more uniform and structured interview process, as well as mitigate any bias during this stage.

No candidate will ever perfectly fit the job profile; Bryq will help you understand where they are a good fit and where not.

πŸ’‘ Do you want to learn more about how to read the results? Check this articleπŸ”—out about Social Desirability!

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