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Create a Job

Steps on how to create a Job in Bryq

Markellos Diorinos avatar
Written by Markellos Diorinos
Updated over a week ago

Access the Talent Acquisition menu. And then click on the Jobs tab.

Here you will view all the jobs that you have access to, both active and inactive. In case you don't have any job created yet an empty state will appear.

Click on New Job.

The form Create Job is displayed.

The first option is to use your Job Description based on which our AI assistant will automatically analyze it and predict the best-matching psychometric profile uniquely tailored to your needs.

💡 If you don't have a JD handy then you can select from a predefined list of jobs available in our system. As you start to type out certain job titles in the Search from Bryq library field, you’ll see that a list of suggested jobs curated by our I-O psychologist team will be populated in a drop-down for you. If you select one of these the below fields Job title, Department and Description will be auto-filled.

Once all fields are filled out the Generate Profile button is activated.

📌 Select the assessment type based on the nature of the job you want to fill. By default, the most commonly used assessment type, the office worker scenario, is selected. Read more here to understand which assessment type suits you best.

Click Generate Profile.

Our AI reads the description you provided and picked up on key characteristics that it deems vital. You can imagine that for example, a Marketing Associate profile from a Big 4 company has different characteristics than that of a start-up company. This is why with Bryq we are keen to get that customization in place for you.

💡 It is important to add that the job description does not have to be in English. If you have it in another language, the AI will read and process the information accordingly.

Cognitive Attributes

The AI identifies which attributes are more important and less critical for the job and sets the relevant weights.

📌 We recommend trusting the AI's suggestions. You can adjust the percentages based on your understanding of the job's demands but any change may impact the profile predictability. Editing cognitive attributes is possible by clicking the pencil on the right.

While performing a change in the slider for a cognitive attribute the other weights will be adjusted ensuring the sum of all 4 remains 100%.

📌 Another important note would be to make sure you stay within reasonable range when adjusting the weighting for the cognitive skills, to ensure we are honoring the science behind Bryq and not diluting the profile.

Personality Traits

Similarly, our AI has determined the desired and most fitting personality traits for the role based on the job description, to build a model of the highest predicted performer. The traits are shown in a compact format articulating the desired personality makeup of the ideal candidate.

📌 We recommend trusting the AI's suggestions. You can nevertheless, edit the traits based on your understanding of the job's demands but be aware that any change may impact the profile predictability. Editing personality traits is possible by clicking the pencil on the right. You can either remove or add personality traits, or select the opposite trait from the selected one. We suggest you liaise with the hiring manager regarding what they desire for their team, and together you can create the right concoction of traits.

💡Hover over the info icon next to each trait to see a description bubble that explains the strengths and potential challenges associated with that trait.

Big 5 (OCEAN) toggle

You can enable the Big 5 (OCEAN) personality model if you want to gain a quick overview of a candidate's personality makeup on the candidate results page instead of diving into the personality traits.


Indicators refer to behavioral competencies that shed light on the candidate's strengths and areas where they can contribute effectively. Overall, they provide a comprehensive and well-rounded evaluation of the candidate's potential to excel in the role.

By default, Bryq offers its own Competencies Library curated by its I-O psychologist team that offers accessible and easy-to-understand components that elevate the profiles of interest. The result is a more informed decision-making process in selecting individuals who truly fit the desired criteria. Click Edit Indicators or the pencil icon to access and select the ones required for the job.

The option All allows the selection of all indicators available in your account. You may also want to reset to the Company's Defaults via the relevant button at the bottom left of the pop-up window. Once ready click Save. The selected indicators are displayed under the relevant section.

📌 It is important to note that no additional questions will be added to the assessment for assessing the indicators. The scores of each indicator are calculated based on the data collected from the questions that are already included in the assessment.

📌 Alternatively, in case you have custom behavioral competencies or culture values our I-O psychologist team can map them to the 16 personality traits and you will be able to assess and measure them via our unified assessment model.

✉️ If you are interested in including the Culture Indicator or Customer competencies in your account, please reach out to Bryq Customer Success and we will guide you through the process. We are always happy to help! :)

Assessment settings

This section is by default pre-populated with your account's default settings.

Starting with the assessment language, it’s important to consider what language this role will predominantly involve working in.

Under invitation validity, you can set the time frame for candidates to complete the assessment. We recommend a period of 5-7 days to achieve a good completion rate without prolonging your hiring process. Including a weekend within this period is advised, as candidates often find it easier to complete the assessment during this time. Although candidates can still complete the assessment after the validity date, their reports will be flagged to indicate the assessment was taken after the expiration date.

Finally, invitation template has already linked the default template of the invitation email that will be sent to the candidates, as it’s been set up in your settings. Feel free to edit this if necessary, keeping mindful of the green placeholders. Should you perform any change the tag under the invitation template will be set to Custom.

📌 You can always reset to Company's Defaults by clicking the relevant button.

And that's about it! When you are done, go ahead and hit Create Job at the bottom right of your screen. As simple as that your Job is created and you can start inviting your candidates!

Tips and Tricks

  • If you are using an ATS from the available list, you’ll be inviting your candidates directly from there. If you invite them manually directly from Bryq, their info and results will not be pushed into the ATS.

  • Especially for Lever, SAP SF and Zoho recruit you can select the job from Bryq. Upon selection, the Job Title, Department, and Description are filled out as per your configurations in these ATSs.

  • For other ATSs, you must link the job to a Bryq assessment via their environment.

  • If you are not using an ATS, you can invite candidates through Bryq using their email addresses and, again, you’ll have the option to edit the email message.

  • Apart from inviting via email, you also have the option to activate the open integration link, which allows you to use the link in a job posting or share in communication with candidates to take the assessment.

Happy hiring!

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